
Panettone with Candied Pineapple, Apricot and Pistachios 35.27 Oz

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Soft panettone with candied pineapple and apricot topped with icing and pistachios nuts, packaged by hand.

Panettone with raisins, topped with icing and hazelnuts hand-wrapped.

Farina di grano tenero, cube di albicocca e ananas candi (18%)(sciroppo di glucosio‐fru osio, albicocca 26%, ananas 24%, saccarosio, succo di limone concentrato, corre ori di acidità: acido citrico, aromi), burro, glassa alle mandorle (10%) (zucchero, albume da uova fresche di galline allevate a terra, farina di riso, farina di mandorle, olio di girasole, amido modificato, pasta dipistacchio, aromi), zucchero, uova fresche di galline allevate a terra (9%), tuorlo da uova fresche di galline allevate a terra (4%), zucchero in granella (3%), lievito naturale (farina di grano tenero), pistacchio (2%), granuli di albicocca e ananas (1,2%)(sciroppo di fruttosio, zucchero, purea di albicocca 15%, purea di mela, succo di ananas 12%, farina di riso, burro di cacao, gelificanti: pectina, a naturali, acidifican : acido citrico, fibra di agrumi, corre ori di acidità: citrato di potassio), miele di Sicilia, sciroppo di zucchero inver to, emulsionan : mono e digliceridi degli acidi grassi, vino “Marsala DOP”, burro di cacao, lattescremato in polvere, sale, aromi naturali, vaniglia. Può contenere soia, fru a a guscio (nocciole, noci), lupini, senape.

Whenever you feel like having a piece! At Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is definitely a must after dinner.

The Fiasconaro family is a story that begins in the 1950s in Castelbuono, a small town in the Madonie Park in Sicily, and remains in Castelbuono. It's there that the brothers Fausto, Martino and Nicola have chosen to keep the headquarters - the mind and heart - of this exciting adventure of the Sicilian High Pastry.

Their story starts in 1953 with Mario Fiasconaro, who over time from a small ice cream parlor in the main square of the town built a thriving business in the field of pastry and catering.

The three brothers Fausto, Martino and Nicola, little more than children, were helping out in their free time, and they began to learn the business. In the nineties, with the generational change transformed the Fiasconaro brand into a reality known outside the borders of the island.

The turning point comes from an intuition of Nicola, a talented master pastry chef, who chooses to interpret the most traditional dessert of Northern Italy, Panettone, in a Mediterranean key: a great success that changes the destiny of the company, which has not stopped growing since then.

Today, the Fiasconaro brothers are at the head of the company that bears their name: Fausto is the showroom manager, Martino is the head of the administration, Nicola is the award-winning first pastry chef and has received the title of Honorary Citizen from the Municipal Administration of Avola for the role played in recent years as ambassador of Sicilian sweet excellences in the world.

And precisely in the light of his commitment in the social and economic fabric, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has appointed him among the twenty-five Cavalieri del Lavoro (merit for labor) for 2020. An unexpected appointment, but above all an honor, which takes on a profound meaning: not a simple recognition, but an honor that encompasses an entire story. The story of a family. Of a father, Mario Fiasconaro, and three brothers: Nicola, Fausto and Martino Fiasconaro.