

Nov 15, 2022Donatella Mulvoni

Located nearby the city of Cori, Agnoni is well known for its extra virgin olive oil, the vegetables preserved in oil, and its tasty creams.

It all starts with Neno and Nena 

When you open Agnoni website and go to the “About us” page, the first thing you will see is the photo of Nena working. She is finishing packing vegetables in oil. Her hands are wrinkled, but the commitment and the attention are the same as when she was a girl, when, many years ago, she decided to throw herself and her husband into this beautiful adventure, which still lasts today. Agnoni, yesterday as today, is characterized by three factors: is characterized by three factors: Respect for the land and its rhythm, genuine products, and the taste of the past. The combination of these three factors can be found inside each jar of vegetables preserved in oil, creams, and extra virgin olive oil. Agnoni is a story of family and lessons passed down from generation to generation. As we read on its website: “It was in the sixties when Neno and Nena Agnoni, newlyweds, decided to take a decisive step that would change their family history forever. They chose to buy their farm.

Tradition and Innovation: a piece of art

Neno and Nena lived in Cori, near the ancient Roman temple of Hercules. Every day they headed to the country on their Lambretta and spent the summers living in a hut with straw beds. Yet they wanted to create something with their own hands that would last for a lifetime. What followed was the decision to buy the Copellaro farm situated just outside the village. This was an important step which involved substantial financial sacrifices for a couple descending from families of merchants and farmers that had been through many hardships, including two world wars”. After Neno’s death, Nena continued what she started together with her husband. Today the new generations bring forward a tradition that intends to merge innovation and identity. The people who work on the farm carry on the teachings that Neno and Nena passed on to everyone: respect for the land, first and foremost. The fruits of the land, they have always said, are like pieces of art today enriched with new technologies. Agnoni is among the best Italian companies for quality.

Agnoni extra virgin olive oil...

Agnoni is well known for its extra virgin olive oil, which is produced on the 40 hectares of olive-growing land surrounding the farm. There, three typical local varieties of olive trees grow: Frantoio, Leccino, and the much-appreciated Itrana. The city of Cori has a deep-rooted and centuries-old olive-growing tradition, appreciated by the Romans and the nobles living in Rome during the Renaissance. Their harmonious merging gives birth to three different oils, the same we use to prepare our products preserved in oil.

… And its vegetables preserved in oil and the creams

Agnoni offers a wide choice of vegetables preserved in oil and water and salt, perfect to serve as starters, appetizers, and side dishes, along with cold cuts, cheese and accompanied by white or red mid-structured wines or to be reinvented as one prefers. The creams are freshly made with the same vegetables as those used for preserving in oil, with the addition of extra virgin olive oil, herbs and natural spices—artichokes, black and green olives, aubergines, dried tomatoes, basil, and mushrooms.

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