Italian food is the safest in Europe

Italian food is the safest in Europe

Jul 29, 2021Donatella Mulvoni
According to Coldiretti, the major Italian organization representing agricultural entrepreneurs, Italian food is the safest among those produced in the European Union!

Made in Italy is the safest!

Here comes good news for foods produced in Italy! Enthusiasts of Italian cuisine have one more reason to indulge in our delicious specialties. If you were looking for one more motivation to love Italian food, we give you the perfect one! Italian food is not only tasty, but it's also the healthiest and least polluted by pesticidesMade in Italy food is much safer than foods arriving from the European Union and from Non-EU countries. This is established by a Coldiretti analysis based on the latest European Food Safety Authority report on pesticides detected on foods sold in Europe. Foreign food and drinks are six times more dangerous than those produced in Italy. 

In Italian products, there are fewer pesticides

Irregular chemical residues are 0.9% in Italian food5.6% in non-EU agri-food products, 1.3% in European products. Those results, according to Coldiretti, “are certified by the report of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which has extensively analyzed 96,302 samples of food on sale in the European Union, providing an insight into the presence of pesticide residues on fruit, vegetables, cereals, milk and wine produced in countries of the Union or abroad". This good news comes after the Covid emergency in 2020 cut the food consumption of Italians by 12%, due to the closures of restaurants and the collapse of tourism. 

Italian food is synonymous with quality

According to Coldiretti, Italian agriculture is first in Europe, and it is also the greenest. Italian food is also synonymous with quality. The numbers released by Coldiretti are exciting. We have 313 DOP (Protected Designation of Origin), IGP (Protected Geographical Indication), and STG (Traditional Guaranteed Specialty) products, including cheeses, cured meats, and prosciutti. Excellence is also the common denominator of Italian wines. There are 415 DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin)/ DOCG wines (the highest classification for Italian wines, denoting controlled production methods and guaranteed wine quality). We also have 5155 traditional regional specialties produced in the Country. Italy is also a leader in biodiversity and can count on the largest direct sales network of farmers globally with the "Campagna Amica" Foundation.

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