Magnifico Curiosity

CHOCOLATE, the ITALIAN’S Secret to Happiness
Jun 18, 2020
Italians love soccer, pasta and chocolate! Many admit to consuming chocolate every day. Yet, from Lombardia to Sicily, no true Italian can resist this sweet sensation. For us, every occasion calls for a bite of chocolate.
GELATO, Amore mio!
Jun 11, 2020
Let’s learn some Italian: the word “gelato” literally means “frozen”. Still, the terms gelato and ice cream are not switchable! Even though the primary ingredients are the same (both contain cream, milk, and sugar), the proportions and the process are different...
TIRAMISÙ, Easy to Make and Simply Delicious!
Dec 29, 2019
Is the most famous Italian dessert in the world. The name literally means “pick me up!” For a spoonful of joy, you will need only 6 ingredients and 15 minutes of prep time.
The Discovery of AMERICA Changed European and ITALIAN Cuisine Forever
Oct 09, 2019
Christopher Columbus’ landing in the Americas on October 12, 1492 was a watershed moment for European cuisine. The Italian explorer encountered new people, new cultures, new landscapes, and special types of food that he and his crew had never seen before. They couldn’t even fathom the taste of tomatoes or cocoa beans. 
Can't Help to Falling In Love…Especially When It Comes To Food
Jun 22, 2019
If you say Italia, you say amore! Why Italy is number one for love, passion and romance? You could think that is about its extraordinary and millenary culture and history; or its melodious language, sweet like an old song; or the sublime natural sceneries and panoramas, enchanting like a postcard. Well, for us the secret is…food!