Magnifico Curiosity

April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. This celebration which covers every aspect of our life, took effect in 1950. The goal was to create awareness of a specific health theme...

Do you feel tired during the cold winter months? Eating the right kinds of food is critical. The ancient Greek patron of doctors, Hippocrates, encourages you to "let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Did you know that some foods can support and strengthen your body?

Every year we face the same dilemma: where should we go for summer vacation? Whichever destination you choose one thing is certain: it is crucial to maintain healthy behaviors

On paper, the holidays always look simply magical; the one time of the year that everyone waits for with the most anticipation. But when this season of chaotic merriment knocks on our door, sometimes we are tempted not to open. Even for Italians, who love tradition like nothing else.