Magnifico Curiosity

January 4th is National Spaghetti Day!
Jan 04, 2021
It is like in life: everything can be easy or difficult; it depends on approaching it. Same with spaghetti. It is one of the most loved and famous dishes in the world, many try to prepare it, but nobody can make it as Italians do.
Pasta, all the things you didn't know
Dec 18, 2020
We all know what is and we all know its flavor. It’s pasta, one of the first words an Italian kid learns how to say. It is typically known that pasta is one of the Italian food people like the most...
National Pasta Day
Oct 17, 2020
Pasta is like an hamburger, a bagel, they don’t taste all the same. Anyone can make a bowl of pasta, but it requires effort and knowledge to choose the pasta shape that can transform an every day lunch into a memorable experience. 
Pasta, an Italian Obsession
Jul 08, 2020
Ok, we know what you are thinking: Italians are obsessed with pasta. That’s absolutely true! Every Italian eats almost 60 pounds of pasta per year…way too much! Pasta is the common thread in each of Italy's 20 regions. Here you find a beginner’s guide to Italians’ favorite food.
Pasta doesn't make you fat.
May 02, 2020
But does pasta make you gain weight?  There are very strong and differing opinions when it comes to this question.  When someone wants to lose weight, especially in a small amount of time, low carb diet certainly helps.
Handmade Pasta dough for beginners in 4 EASY STEPS
Apr 07, 2020
No doubts about it, preparing and cooking a meal can be a therapeutic activity during this difficult time. Cooking is quickly becoming a sort of relaxing exercise for all the people forced to stay at home during this pandemic.