Magnifico Curiosity

If you love hot and spicy food, this is your recipe! From the beautiful Calabria region - the “toe of the Italian boot” - here comes ‘nduja, the absolute queen of southern salumi (alias salami)!

Taste is the most formidable of the four senses because it can evoke happiness and pleasure. A dish cooked with exceptional mastery can also stimulate the other senses. According to many experts, food is a powerful allegory for our existence. This is the reason why food plays a prominent role in Italian poetry and literature.

On paper, the holidays always look simply magical; the one time of the year that everyone waits for with the most anticipation. But when this season of chaotic merriment knocks on our door, sometimes we are tempted not to open. Even for Italians, who love tradition like nothing else.

When it comes to food, Italians fight hard. That’s why we are proud to announce that our cuisine is the most popular in the world. The results come from an international study conducted by market research firm YouGov. A sample of 25,000 people in 24 markets awarded to Italy the first prize, with an average popularity score of 84%. Chinese food came in second, and and Japanese took third place.

If you are older than 35, then you will confirm that there was a time in your life in which you were entirely unfamiliar with the concept of gluten free food. Foods like Pasta and pizza were full of gluten and carbs and that was all there was to it. Now, a world without gluten free options seems impossible.